9 years 2 months
9 Years 2 months
Today I wanted to go to the restaurant with Daddy… Mum said just stay home so he can run in.. I wanted TEA and he doesn’t like to get me tea unless I go.. I said no.. no no momma no momma bye bye… I even told Grandma I wanted my shoes so I could go … She was confused b/c I sent her a link and mummy was like no he doesn’t need those shoes he would never wear them and I probably wouldn’t…. So after I told on her , she told me ok…” make you a deal.. Get your shoes on by yourself Liam and you can go..” So I got my shoes took off my santa shoes and put them on and showed her!! Now I think I made a big mistake b/c I can’t tell her I can’t do it… hmmm not sure if that was worth going to town.. I did get tea but mummy went so I didn’t get to get out at the restaurant .. .Daddy just ran in.. I tried to use Potty to go but that didn’t work b/c they have learned my tricks..
I started in the BIG KID class at school this week… I have Miss AnnaLee, Miss Katie and Miss Delores now… I miss Mr. Greg but he told me I had to move up and become a bigger kid , I can still see him but it is not the same. I really adjust well but I just miss people I get attached to.
In the Big Kid Class we go to the Cafeteria in the am. I didn’t know what to think about that .. I held Miss Katie hand a little tight b/c there were a lot of kids in there and I wasn’t too sure.. She got me a breakfast but I didn’t eat much.. I had food at home but it was neat to see a different part of the school and how things work for other kids. In class we played games today and did all sorts of things.. I stayed very very busy which I love.. I don’t like being bored.. I want to learn and do things as much as possible. My brain with my brain vitamins makes me want to learn…
I have figured out how to print things on the printer when daddy is away and if he is printing something boring I know how to stop it and remove it and print something I want instead. He moved the screens to a higher location to try to stop me but I still do it.. I am tall and I have my ways and honestly unless he is watching he will never figure it out. He has cameras he should just watch ..
We have snow and I love watching it fall. I took my polar bear and sat him on the porch where he could feel like he was at home in the North Pole. Polar bears love snow… I also had grandma order me a snow plow.. I wanted one for all of the snow that was coming in. We have a snow plow that comes down our street all day it goes really fast and snow gos flying off to the sides .. I think it is so cool to watch.
Daisy birthday fell when there was a lot of snow so it was just family! But it was fun, we had cake and I watched her open her presents she was so happy to open them and she gets very excited. We all went outside and went sledding afterwards and I only wanted to go once.. I humor them for a picture and I am done with the big hill.
Our Pastor and First Lady Blunt came and had dinner with us , I love to kind of show off with them there.. I like I can be my typical loud self when they visit so they can see my sense of humor… I have to behave at Church b/c Jesus wants me to and because I know I am supposed to be good in church and school. I try to be good in public , sometimes I am just done with places and want to leave! Think about it adults want to leave places sometimes and they get moody….
We left Friday after school to go to Arkansas.. Not my favorite trip because there is NO Buc-ees. But I love to see family . We went to target and got a few things for us to have food for a few days and then to the Airbnb. I got a new Transformer for Sissy Joy Joy to help me with. She worked on it all evening and couldn’t get it.. I wasn’t happy b/c I can’t figure it out either. But oh well.. :(. we looked for YouTube and things to help but couldn’t find the right one. Next morning I got up and played my game , ate breakfast and we went into town to see if we could find a grocery store and get gas .. There was NO grocery store in the little town we were staying at so we went to dollar general and I got an easier transformer that I could even work on. WE went back and rested for most of the day. Mummy got me dressed and sissy and Mummy were getting ready for the wedding. Sissy Kaytlynn, Isaac , Ollie and Rett came over and we all left for the wedding . I was quiet for the wedding … Ollie and Daisy were being silly but they are still little kids. They were good but were sitting in the floor watching a little movie during the wedding with no sound on . I don’t like to watch things with no sound but it was a wedding !!! After the wedding we took pictures (of course ) never a time without pictures with this family!!! Then we ate some chicken, Mac n cheese and cabbage … and my favorite was CAKE CUTTING TIME.. I love Cake … Especially Miss Deann cakes … I got chocolate mummy got white cake.. I ate all of mine and talked her into eating most of hers … She always shares with me.
They started playing really loud music at first wasn’t sure and decided I wanted to leave and NOT dance. I decided I would pee myself (not my finest moment) to get to leave but mummy was prepared with way to many changes of clothes…. She changed me and I guess it was a good thing because I finally got my buc-ee shirt on and the dress shirt off!!!! I finally agreed to dance but only because it was Auntie Teen Teen and then My sweet Cousin Maddi.. She looked Beautiful in her dress and it was fun dancing with her . Sissy Joy-Joy and Sissy Kaytlynn were ready to go back to the house so we all left.. I wasn’t opposed to leaving it meant I got to chill finally and play Minecraft.
We got up the next morning loaded the car and went to Sissy Kaytlynn’s house for Ollie birthday party. She had a cake for Daisy too since they are only 6 days apart. He got a really big monster truck and it was all over the house . So funny. Ollie drives like a crazy guy. We got Ollie a Hot wheels garage and the cars shoot out and it goes spinning and I thought that was soooo funny. After we all had cake Ollie went and slammed his head in his cake it was all over him. He thought it was funny and I did too b/c it was him and not me.. I don’t want that all over me.. He then threw cake at mummy getting into Mummy hair.. She was like nope we are outta here so we cleaned up and got on the road. We had a long drive and apparently the weather at home was kind of yuck.
The drive home was quiet.. sissy Joy and Daisy slept most of the way.. Mummy and I kind of talked and I played Minecraft and then watched traffic. I love watching traffic.. WE had some slow traffic in West Memphis .. of course I had to potty … Mummy said hold it and I did … we finally made it by the big pyramid building and went to the welcome Center in Tennessee at Memphis. (We made it ) haha Back on the road we go…. We Stopped and got some food later on and gas and finally made it home .. I was glad to be home.. seems like it took forever.. that drive always seems so long . I know Boston and Austin is longer but at least I have Buc-ees !
We haven’t been in school a lot b/c of weather . The temperature has been pretty low so we have been home.. Kind of bored and driving mummy and daddy crazy but Guess it is not terrible..
Back to school on Thursday and getting back into life as we once knew.. or as my new chapter in the BIG kid class. It is different. We go to cafeteria in the am I am learning the new routine…
Friday we had Special Olympics and it was bowling.. I was so excited I got to ride a SCHOOL BUS!! I love the School bus. I only get to ride to special events b/c mummy and daddy take me to school. That is cool though b/c I get to see Officer Liberty in the am this way!
I bowled two games for Special Olympics… I only got like 7 for the first game but the second game I was getting better. We got our medals at the end … Bri was with me on my team. We had a good time.. I had one of the amazing Dickson High Hosa girls helping me and I loved it.. She would hold my hand and help me and give me hugs…. Mummy was like you flirt…. I can’t help it the girls like me… Being a Red head and having a good sense of humor is my strength for sure!!
After special olympics we went to Nashville to the Dentist .. Daisy went with us. Today we had to do X-rays. I was great I love X-rays it is something new and interesting. .But all of my appointments are like that. We went to the other room and I watched Inside out while she polished my teeth with blueberry polish.. My teeth feel so soft and clean when we leave.. I love the Dentist.. Daisy wasn’t really happy about the Xray or getting her teeth counted. But she finally calmed down and was good to go.. Dr. Adams loved her shirt and said thanks for the warning lol.. it said “im a little extra” and that she is… She is definitely full PERSONALITY …. We went to toy store after and I found a new super hero I didn’t have .. Daisy took forever finding a toy but settled on a purse. I got a new puzzle that is BIG and helps me learn about the body. I love learning!!!
I stayed up late and played Minecraft. It is so funny when the monsters come after me. I was laughing so hard.. I looked up and mummy was recording me haha… she always catches me..
WE had to get up early and go to the dealership, mummy made some pies for John, Megan and Caleb. She let me wear my Buc-ee outfit at least since it was super early …. We got there and I played my game and ate my breakfast. John was loving the pie! Of course My mummy pies are the BEST .. I like the chocolate and will help with the cleaning bowls with daddy and mummy by eating what is left.. Daddy loves to lick the pan we all fight over the beaters .. although I would prefer mine on a spoon where it doesn’t get all over my face!! I don’t like food on my face.. if. Idon’t know it is there and someone shows me in the mirror I demand something to get it off and of course I think it is funny.
This week in school we are learning how to make beds .. I do like to help at home but not sure about doing it for an assignment. BUT I do what I am told at school and then just give mummy a little trouble b/c it is more fun to see what I can get away with. I decided to lay down and throw a little Liam fit of course she got it videoed didn’t expect her to send to my teacher guess that backfired on me. I am learning how to tuck the corners and really make it. Normally mummy or daddy help me with the corners but I am learning to do the whole thing …
This month was all new… New class, teacher and some of my old friends but some new ones … I am getting settled but really miss Mr. Greg, Miss Thorah, Miss Brittany and Miss Ashleigh.. its hard to say goodbye but as we grow mummy says it is part of growing up and life. Lots of new things happening in February.. Can’t wait to share and super excited about valentines day coming up been making things like crazy on the printer.. When daddy isn’t around I like to start it printing he moved the screens up high but I can still reach don’t think he realizes how tall I am!!! I also decided it would be a good Idea to put glue on mine and rub it around with my hand. Daddy shouldn’t have went to sleep and left me to do my own printing!!!
OH and note... I finally got my tranasformer converted to a motorcycle. MIke our neighbor is the toy master and can do any and all transformers!!!! Thanks so much... AT least I know when sissy can't I can just run next door to get it fixed!!! :)
Well until February!!!
Love you all. Liam www.runwithliam.org Facebook: Run with Liam (group) Insta: Kleefstra Run with Liam Tik Tok: Kleefstra Run with Liam